Q Harfiyle Başlayan İngilizce Hayvanlar Türkçeleri ve İngilizce Tanıtımları


Baş harfi Q olan ingilizce hayvanlar, bu Q hayvanların Türkçe karşılıkları, resimleri ve ingilizce kısaca tanıtımları, ingilizce bilgi.

Q Harfiyle Başlayan İngilizce Hayvanlar

Arka resim kaynak: pixabay.com

Q Harfiyle Başlayan İngilizce Hayvanlar


Kaynak: pixabay.com


The quail is a small bird that inhabits woodland and forest areas around the world. There are thought to be more than 15 different species of quail, with each species of quail being found in different parts of the world and all have slightly different appearances depending on how they have adapted to their environment. Although the quail is a very small sized bird, the quail belongs to the same bird family as pheasants. Quails range in size depending on the species from the Japanese quail which is around 10cm tall to the larger mountain quail that can grow up to 25 cm tall.


Kaynak: commons.wikimedia.org


The Quetzal is a medium sized bird that is found inhabiting the moist, tropical rainforests of Central America from southern Mexico right down into Panama. There are six sub-species of Quetzal that are found in varying geographic locations including the Crested Quetzal, the Golden-headed Quetzal, the White-tipped Quetzal, the Pavonine Quetzal, the Eared Quetzal and the most famously known Resplendent Quetzal, all of which belong to the Trogon family of birds. The Quetzal is an immensely coloured animal with metallic plumage and is widely considered to be one of the most strikingly-beautiful birds in the world. They are most well known for the long tail feathers of the males.

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