19 Mayıs İle İlgili Sözler (İngilizce), Resimli İngilizce Sözler, İngilizce Bilgi


19 Mayıs Atatürk’ü Anma, Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı ile ilgili olarak bizzat Atatürk tarafından söylenmiş sözlerin İngilizceleri. 19 Mayıs hakkında ingilizce bilgi.

19 Mayıs İle İlgili Sözler (İngilizce)

19 Mayıs İle İlgili Sözler (İngilizce)

Our great ideal is to raise our nation to highest standards of civilization and prosperity.

19 Mayıs İle İlgili Sözler (İngilizce)

Victory is for those who say “Victory is mine”. Success is for those who can begin saying “I will succeed” and say “I have succeeded” in the end.

19 Mayıs İle İlgili Sözler (İngilizce)


The Turkish Nation consists of the valiant descendants of a people taht has lived independently and has considered independence the sole condition of existence. This nation has never lived without freedom, cannot and never will.

19 Mayıs İle İlgili Sözler (İngilizce)

Our nation has succeeded owing to the unshakable unity it has shown in its actions and endeavours.

Commemoration Of Atatürk, Youth And Sports Day

Observed annually, The Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day is a public holiday in Turkey that’s celebrated on May 19th and commemorates Mustafa Kemal’s landing at the city of Samsun on May 19, 1919.

This day is widely regarded as the beginning of the Turkish War of Independence and it’s a day on which Turkish athletes celebrate that fact by carrying the Turkish flag from a Black Sea port to Turkey’s capital. It’s also a day that’s celebrated by people watching sporting events at local stadiums or by watching other athletic events such as marathons.

The History Of The Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth And Sports Day

On May 19, 1919, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk arrived in the Black Sea port of Samsun. Once he arrived, he began a popular uprising against the decision of WWI allies to divide up the territories of the defeated Ottoman Empire. This is seen by many as the starting date of the Turkish War of Independence.

In 1936, when Atatürk realized that many people didn’t remember the date or time that he landed in Samsun he decided to create a festival that will celebrate the event. This festival began the following year. In 1938, a law was passed that made May 19th the official public holiday known as the Festival of Youth & Sports. It’s been celebrated as a holiday ever since.


Observing Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth And Sports Day

On this day, a variety of events can be enjoyed all across Turkey. Many of these are athletic events such as half-marathons or sports competitions, but those aren’t the only events that can be enjoyed.

Young people also recite poems and sing the national anthem, there are parades and cultural events, and people enjoy fold dances and plays. Because it’s a public holiday, schools and government buildings are closed for the day, as are many businesses and banks.

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