After İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler, After Cümle İçinde Kullanımı, Örnekler


İçinde After geçen İngilizce örnek cümleler ve anlamları. After kelimesinin İngilizce cümle içinde kullanımı. After ile ilgili İngilizce cümle örnekleri.

After İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler

After İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler

  • *** I am after him.
  • *** He left after me.
  • *** What is he after?
  • *** I asked after him.
  • *** I spoke after him.
  • *** Tom left after me.
  • *** He asked after you.
  • *** I failed after all.
  • *** He failed after all.
  • *** He’ll come after me.
  • *** I’ll come after you.
  • *** Look after yourself.
  • *** Please read after me.
  • *** Quick, run after him.
  • *** May comes after April.
  • *** She reads after lunch.
  • *** We’ll go after we eat.
  • *** Don’t chase after fame.
  • *** He came back after dark.
  • *** He studied after dinner.
  • *** The dog ran after a fox.
  • *** The door shut after him.
  • *** Tom came after you left.
  • *** Tom followed after Mary.
  • *** Tom left after one year.
  • *** Tom took off after Mary.
  • *** Tom took out after Mary.
  • *** Come any time after nine.
  • *** Come any time after nine.
  • *** He arrived shortly after.
  • *** He asked after my mother.
  • *** He didn’t come after all.
  • *** He didn’t pass after all.
  • *** He is after a better job.
  • *** He looked after the baby.
  • *** I woke up after midnight.
  • *** I’ll meet you after work.
  • *** I’m looking after myself.
  • *** Lucy looked after my dog.
  • *** She came home after dark.
  • *** She is a child after all.
  • *** The police are after him.
  • *** The police are after Tom.
  • *** Tom chased after his dog.
  • *** Tom left just after 2:30.
  • *** We can leave after lunch.
  • *** We got up after midnight.
  • *** We had a meal after noon.
  • *** What happened after that?
  • *** Who looks after this dog?
  • *** After you kill the sheep, you’ll have to skin it.
  • *** He criticized the war after leaving the military.
  • *** He developed his talent for painting after fifty.
  • *** He had bruises all over his body after the fight.
  • *** He played golf day after day during his vacation.
  • *** He was set free after doing five years in prison.
  • *** I am having trouble with one thing after another.
  • *** I called my friend after arriving at the station.
  • *** I don’t want Tom to go out after dark by himself.
  • *** I had enough to do to look after my own children.
  • *** I read the book after I had finished my homework.
  • *** I’ll help my mother wash the dishes after supper.
  • *** I’m so excited to see her after such a long time.
  • *** Julia felt like crying after she heard that news.
  • *** My mother usually relaxes and sleeps after lunch.
  • *** She has waded into one controversy after another.
  • *** The baby was named Richard after his grandfather.
  • *** The child was named Sophia after her grandmother.
  • *** There’s no way I’m letting Tom go out after dark.
*** They came in dog-tired after sightseeing all day.
  • *** They came up with a plan after a long discussion.
  • *** They want to separate after 40 years of marriage.
  • *** This ticket is valid for two days after purchase.
  • *** Tom convalesced near the ocean after his illness.
  • *** Tom signed the contract after his lawyer read it.
  • *** We arrived about forty-five minutes after sunset.
  • *** What will become of his children after his death?
  • *** What will become of the children after his death?
  • *** You take after your mother. You remind me of her.
  • *** Yumi is leaving for Osaka the day after tomorrow.
  • *** After a long search, we found a satisfactory room.
  • *** After getting married, my wife put on five pounds.
  • *** After his father died, he had to study by himself.
  • *** After his knee repair, he could walk without pain.
  • *** After supper, I always find myself falling asleep.
  • *** After they had finished their work, they went out.
  • *** He gets a little bold after he’s had a few drinks.
  • *** He left the country after his grandfather’s death.
  • *** He was in the habit of taking a walk after supper.
  • *** Hitler and his allies had won battle after battle.
  • *** I don’t mind helping you clean up after the party.
  • *** I had to stay after class and talk to the teacher.
  • *** I managed to acquire the book after a long search.
  • *** I must finish this work by the day after tomorrow.
  • *** I must get my work done by the day after tomorrow.
  • *** I played video games after I finished my homework.
  • *** In city after city, big public meetings were held.
  • *** Many people lost their homes after the earthquake.
  • *** Mother told him to look after his younger brother.
  • *** My father usually watches television after dinner.
***He was named after the king.
  • ***He went to bed after supper.
  • ***His creditors are after him.
  • ***I feel good after a workout.
  • ***I look after my grandfather.
  • ***I talked to him after class.
  • ***I will start after he comes.
  • ***I worked hard day after day.
  • ***Mary asked after his father.
  • ***Peter didn’t come after all.
  • ***They fell one after another.
  • ***Tom arrived after Mary left.
  • ***Tom arrived home after dark.
  • ***Tom got home after midnight.
  • ***Tom left after he had lunch.
  • ***We got in after a long wait.
  • ***What do you do after school?
  • ***Would you look after my cat?
  • ***After a moment, Tom followed.
  • ***After a storm comes the calm.
  • ***After all, he’s your boss.
  • ***After death there is nothing.
  • ***Brush your teeth after meals.
  • ***Does Tony study after dinner?
  • ***He came back after two hours.
  • ***He did not turn up after all.
  • ***He died after a long illness.
  • ***He never goes out after dark.
  • ***He was after the first prize.
  • ***I feel good after exercising.
  • ***I played tennis after school.
  • ***I study English after dinner.
  • ***I will look after this child.
  • ***I worked on it day after day.
  • ***It gets boring after a while.
  • ***Jane didn’t buy it after all.
  • ***My stomach hurts after meals.
  • ***She didn’t turn up after all.
  • ***She looked after the patient.
  • ***Stay here and look after Tom.
  • ***The dog ran after the rabbit.
  • ***Tom came just after you left.
  • ***Tom got back home after dark.
  • ***Wait until after I come back.
  • ***We’ll see you after the show.
  • ***What’s the stop after Nagoya?
  • ***Who looks after the children?
  • ***A dog was running after a cat.
  • ***What are they after?
  • ***We ran after the thief.
  • ***Don’t go out after dark.
  • ***After that, he went home.
  • ***She looked after her baby.
  • ***We woke up after midnight.
  • ***He left after he had lunch.
  • ***I went to bed after eating.
  • ***Don’t walk alone after dark.
  • ***He arrived after I had left.
  • ***They died one after another.
  • ***After the storm, it was calm.
  • ***Please look after my luggage.
  • ***Who will look after the baby?
  • ***Who will look after your dog?
  • ***He arrived after the bell rang.
  • ***She didn’t telephone after all.
  • ***Take this medicine after meals.
  • ***Don’t let her go out after dark.
  • ***I will see him after I get back.
  • ***We ate fresh fruit after dinner.
  • ***Brush your teeth after each meal.
  • ***Can you help look after the kids?
  • ***I’ll be lonely after you’ve gone.
  • ***I promise you I’ll look after you.
  • ***I’d like you to look after my dog.
  • ***My legs ached after the long walk.
  • ***I usually take a bath after dinner.
  • ***Mary really takes after her mother.
  • ***We often played chess after school.
***A few people clapped after his lecture.
  • ***Do you have time the day after tomorrow?
  • ***He came to see you right after you left.
  • ***She tore the letter up after reading it.
  • ***It’s a quarter after nine in the morning.
  • ***The day after tomorrow is Tom’s birthday.
  • ***I felt refreshed after a swim in the pool.
  • ***We have exams right after summer vacation.
  • ***I don’t like walking home alone after dark.
  • ***I felt quite refreshed after taking a bath.
  • ***He named his son Robert after his own father.
  • ***I’ll look after my parents when they get old.
  • ***Lucy would often play the piano after dinner.
  • ***We must look after her children this evening.
  • ***Would you look after the place while I’m out?
  • ***She kept on talking after I asked her to stop.
  • ***He looked refreshed after a good night’s sleep.
  • ***We named our only son Tom after my grandfather.
  • ***Who will look after the baby while they’re out?
  • ***I’ll have exams right after the summer holidays.
  • ***I feel more alert after drinking a cup of coffee.
  • ***She divorced him after many years of unhappiness.
  • ***I arrived at the bus stop just after the bus left.
  • ***I got to the bus stop just after the bus had left.
  • ***She promised that she would meet him after school.
  • ***You can get a car license after you turn eighteen.
  • ***He returned to Japan after graduating from college.
  • ***After he finished supper, he began to read the novel.
  • ***After the game, he went straight home to feed his dog.
  • ***I wonder if she’ll recognize me after all these years.
  • ***We arrived at an agreement after two hours’ discussion.
  • ***After the rain had let up a bit, we made a dash for the car.
  • ***I make it a rule not to watch television after nine o’clock.
  • ***Let’s ask the neighbors to look after the dog while we’re away.
  • ***The radio station came back on the air shortly after the storm.
  • ***A few days after his thirteenth birthday, Tony left school, too.
  • ***I usually take a shower after I play tennis, but today I couldn’t.
  • ***My mother asked me not to feed the dog until after we had all eaten.
  • ***After I graduated from college, I got a job with my father’s company.
  • ***The children were so excited after the party that they couldn’t sleep.
  • ***Tom gave up running for mayor after pleading guilty to drunken driving.
  • ***After I got married, my Japanese got better and I could understand more.
  • ***A few days after his thirteenth birthday, Tony, too, graduated from school.
  • ***Why don’t you hang around a while after everyone else leaves so we can talk?
  • ***After I graduated from college, I spent two years traveling around the world.
  • ***Tom served five days in jail last year after pleading guilty to drunken driving.
  • ***After she lost her job, she couldn’t afford to feed her dogs, so she gave them away.
  • ***Tom was charged with drunken driving after he was involved in a car accident in Boston.
  • ***After I graduated from college, I moved back home and lived with my parents for three years.

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