İçinde Among geçen İngilizce örnek cümleler. Among kelimesinin İngilizce cümle içinde kullanımı ile ilgili olarak örnek cümlelerin yer aldığı sayfamız.
Among İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler
- ***We agreed Among ourselves.
- *** The long struggle of the popes and bishops for celibacy among the clergy was not overcome by the pontificate of Innocent.
- ***Tom is ill at ease Among strangers.
- ***The writings of venerable Origen were among his favorite targets.
- ***She was chosen from Among many students.
- ***He believes that there is a spy Among us.
- ***Among married couples, there has been an increase in divorce and separation with the result that there are many more oneparent families.
- ***The word became flesh and lived for a while Among us.
- ***Two books stand out Among the dozens recently published on the Royal Family.
- ***The fortune was divided Among the three brothers.
- ***The property was divided equally Among the heirs.
- ***The three boys had only two dollars Among them.
- ***In the aftermath of 9/11, laws introduced by the American government to deal with suspected terrorists have raised concern Among the international human rights community.
- ***The process of decision-making consists of choosing from Among a set of alternatives.
- ***Upon his death, Carol’s grandfather’s assets were sold off, and the money divided equally Among her brothers and herself with the result that each child got over a million dollars.
- ***Among the audience that evening was none other than the Queen of England.
- ***Bahrain’s small size and central location Among countries of the Persian Gulf require it to play a delicate balancing act in foreign affairs Among its larger neighbors.
- ***Different languages don’t seem to be a barrier to friendship Among young children.
- *** Among the latter were The Witching Hour (1907), The Harvest Moon (1909), and his best two plays, As a Man Thinks (1911) and The Copperhead (1918).
- *** Among them are straining at stool, prolonged diarrhea, constipation, heavy lifting or over-exertion, pregnancy, and tumors of the bowel.