İngilizce Aslan Burcu (Leo) Tanıtımı, Aslan Burcu İngilizce Özellikleri


Aslan Burcunun (leo) ingilizce olarak tanıtımı, özellikleri, karakteri. İngilizce olarak aslan burcunun açıklaması, hakkında bilgi

Aslan Burcu (Leo) İngilizce Özellikleri

Details about Leo:

  • Element: Fire
  • Ruling Planet: Sun
  • Colors: Gold, Orange, Red, Yellow
  • Day: Sunday
  • Strengths: Pride, Passion
  • Weaknesses: Arrogant, Self-centered
  • Birthstone: Peridot
  • Horoscope dates: July 23 – August 22


Leos are known for their proud and courageous personalities. Although the Leo’s naturally royal nature may sometimes appear to others as having a little bit of a superiority complex, it doesn’t even matter to the mighty Leo. They’re going to own it anyway!

The Leo is a fire sign, which is perfect since they shine bright no matter where they are or what they’re doing. Their presence is impossible to ignore as their fiery energy lights up every room they walk into.

However, this passionate energy doesn’t come without its cons. Leos aren’t the best team players and can forget that every person is a valuable member of the team. This often leads to upstaging others and not allowing anyone else to have their chance in the spotlight.

But this energy is so magnetic it also leaves anyone who comes in contact with the Leo feeling empowered and stimulated.



Like the true royalty of the zodiac that they are, Leos are driven by their desire to be admired and loved by all. They feel most at home in the limelight and like others to remember them by their helpfulness and kindness.

Leos are extremely opinionated. Once they’ve made a decision about something, it is very tough to make them change their views. They also value loyalty, and in return, they expect loyalty from the people around them. This also makes them trustworthy. A Leo will always have your back and you will never doubt their trust.

If you seek guidance from the Leo, be prepared to get exactly what you asked for. They’re one of the most straightforward zodiac signs and won’t hold back on saying it like it is. Their words of wisdom may seem harsh, but if honesty is what you’re looking for, the Leo is the ultimate sign to go to.

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