Bone (Kemik) İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler, Bone in a Sentence


İçinde Bone (Kemik) geçen ingilizce örnek cümleler ve anlamları. Bone (Kemik) ingilizce cümle içinde kullanımı. Bone ile ilgili ingilizce cümle örnekleri



  • ***He gave the dog a bone.
  • ***I can feel it in my bones.
  • ***Have you ever broken a bone?
  • ***Tom was nothing but skin and bone.
  • ***I got a fish bone stuck in my throat.
  • ***I have a fish bone stuck in my throat.
  • ***I don’t like to eat fish with many bones.
  • ***I hit my funny bone on the edge of the table.
  • ***I saw the old man feed his dog chicken bones.
  • ***Tom visited Mary, who was in the hospital with a broken bone.
  • ***Just saying you don’t like fish because of the bones is not really a good reason for not liking fish.
***Dogs often bury bones.
  • ***I’m chilled to the bone.
  • ***I was frozen to the bone.
  • ***She is all skin and bone.
  • ***A bone stuck in my throat.
  • ***I was chilled to the bone.
  • ***The dog chewed on the bone.
  • ***This fish has a lot of bones.
  • ***I have a bone to pick with you.
  • ***I feel chilled to the bone today.
  • ***Our dog buries bones in the yard.
  • ***Why do you have a fractured bone?
  • ***You need more meat on your bones.
  • ***There are many bones in your body.
  • ***Buffalo bones were made into tools.
  • ***Our dog buries bones in the garden.
  • ***He broke one of the bones in his leg.
  • ***The bones remained frozen in the ice.
  • ***The human skull consists of 23 bones.
  • ***He says he has a bone to pick with you.
  • ***Our dog buries its bones in the garden.
  • ***She doesn’t have a lazy bone in her body.
  • ***This fish has a lot of small bones in it.
  • ***Tom broke some bones in his arm and hand.
***You shouldn’t feed chicken bones to dogs.
  • ***He was accused of stealing dinosaur bones.
  • ***The dog ate the fish, bones, tail and all.
  • ***X rays are used to locate breaks in bones.
  • ***I almost choked on a piece of chicken bone.
  • ***I broke a bone in my foot while exercising.
  • ***He met with an accident and broke some bones.
  • ***As far as I can tell, there are no broken bones.
  • ***I gave the dog a bone. That stopped its barking.
  • ***The dog was busy burying his bone in the garden.
  • ***After the bone has set, the cast will be removed.
  • ***The spinal column is composed of twenty-four bones.
  • ***It’ll take the bone a month or so to set completely.
  • ***I feel in my bones that the party will be a great success.
  • ***I feel in my bones that they will never get along well together.

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