Hate (Nefret Etmek) İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler, Hate Örnek Cümleler


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Hate İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler

Hate İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler

  • *** She sent me a postcard that said she hates the smell of animals.
  • *** He said, “I will say nothing more, because I hate making excuses.”
  • *** “How was the survival camp?” “I hated it. I only lasted two days.”
  • *** Tom hated the idea of leaving Mary alone, but he had to go to work.
  • *** Sometimes I hate myself.
  • *** I hate the guy next door.
  • *** I hate this part of town.
  • ***I hate to argue with you.
  • ***I hate to contradict you.
  • ***Nobody wants to be hated.
  • ***They must really hate me.
  • ***You know I hate meetings.
  • ***Do you hate Tom that much?
  • ***I hate being photographed.
  • ***I’ve always hated biology.
  • ***Most children hate school.
  • ***My wife really hates cats.
  • ***Some people hate to argue.
  • ***Why do camels hate horses?
  • ***Why does everyone hate me?
  • ***Do you want me to hate you?
  • ***I hate being called stupid.
  • ***I hate unfinished business.
  • ***John hates me and it shows.
  • ***Why does everyone hate Tom?
  • ***Children often hate spinach.
  • ***I hate insects of all kinds.
  • ***I hate it when guys do that.
  • ***I hate to say I told you so.
  • ***The sisters hate each other.
***They really hate each other.
  • ***You hate small towns, right?
  • ***You hate to lose, don’t you?
  • ***I hate to see animals suffer.
  • ***I really hate dairy products.
  • ***I thought you hated red wine.
  • ***James Madison hated the idea.
  • ***She hates speaking in public.
  • ***The brothers hate each other.
  • ***They aren’t hated by anybody.
  • ***Tom and Mary hate each other.
  • ***Tom hates shopping with Mary.
  • ***Tom hates speaking in public.
  • ***Be kind to those who hate you.
  • ***I am growing to hate the girl.
  • ***I hate the tie you’re wearing.
  • ***I know that you hate your job.
  • ***Tom hates being told to hurry.
  • ***Why do you think Tom hates me?
  • ***I hate terrorist organizations.
  • ***I really hate myself right now.
  • ***She certainly did not hate him.
  • ***Tom and Mary hated one another.
  • ***Tom hates practically everyone.
  • ***I heard that song so many times on the radio that I grew to hate it.
  • ***I hope spring sticks around just a little bit longer. I hate summers.
  • ***Tom hates it when Mary asks him to explain the same thing more than once.
  • ***Our teacher hates his students to ask questions while he is giving a lecture.
  • ***What I hate most about living in Istanbul is always getting stuck in traffic.
  • ***It looks like I’m outnumbered here. I hate to do it but I’ll withdraw my plan.
  • ***I hate it when I work late and end up missing an episode of a show I’m following.
  • ***I hate to trouble you, but could you move over a bit so there’s room for someone else to sit?
***I honestly think it’s better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate.
  • ***I hate politics.
  • ***I hate reptiles.
  • ***I hate chemistry.
  • ***We hate violence.
  • ***I hate jealous women.
  • ***She used to hate him.
  • ***Cats usually hate dogs.
  • ***I’m beginning to hate her.
  • ***Frankly speaking, I hate him.
  • ***I hate myself for not having the will power to quit eating junk food.
  • ***People love alligators and hate them at the same time.
  • ***There is too much hate and resentment in this world.
  • ***I’d hate to have to be hiking in this heat.
  • *** Children hate annoying teachers.
  • *** Have I told you that I hate you?
  • *** He hates being told to hurry up.
  • *** I don’t know why Donald hates Mary.
  • *** I hate myself and I want to die.
  • *** I hate you with all of my heart.
  • *** I’d hate to be in your shoes.
  • *** My mother hates writing letters.
  • *** Donald says that he hates to study.
  • *** You two seem to hate each other.
  • *** Do you really hate Donald that much?
  • *** Don’t you just hate this weather?
  • *** My mother hates to write letters.
  • *** These people hate all foreigners.
  • *** This is the part I hate the most.
  • *** Donald hates you more than ever now.
  • *** A lot of guys around here hate you.
  • *** Donald and Mary must really hate each other.
  • *** Bill hates that his father smokes heavily.
  • *** He is so impolite that everyone hates him.
  • *** There’s a fine line between love and hate.
  • *** They say that animals aren’t able to hate.
  • *** Donald hates it when people keep him waiting.
  • *** I don’t think there’s anyone who hates Donald.
  • *** I hate to be alone at home on the weekends.
  • *** Although I really hate grammar, it’s useful.
*** From the moment that I met her, I hated her.
  • *** I didn’t like him much, in fact I hated him.
  • *** I hate carrots even more than I hate onions.
  • *** I hate the world because the world hates me.
  • *** I’d just hate to see anything happen to Donald.
  • *** I don’t really like him, in fact, I hate him.
  • *** I don’t think I’ve ever hated anyone so much.
  • *** I think you hate Donald as much as he hates you.
  • *** She doesn’t hate him. In fact, she loves him.
  • *** He hates wearing a tie during the summer heat.
  • *** He seldom does anything he really hates to do.
  • *** I hate it when people ask me stupid questions.
  • *** Donald is the only person I’ve ever really hated.
  • *** Don’t hate something that you don’t understand.
  • *** I hate women who say that all men are the same.
  • *** If you act like that, he’ll think you hate him.
  • *** Fred went so far as to say that he had hated me.
  • *** I hate it when my clothes smell like cigarettes.
  • *** The people of Boston hated the British soldiers.
  • *** To tell the truth, I hate the very sight of him.
  • *** I hate to interrupt, but I need to say something.
  • *** If this is your best, I’d hate to see your worst.
  • *** She grew up near the sea, yet she hates swimming.
  • *** Donald hated Mary, but not as much as she hated him.
  • *** Donald hates Mary, but not as much as she hates him.
  • *** All the members of the committee hate one another.
  • *** I hate dealing with children who are picky eaters.
  • *** I hate it when you pretend like you don’t know me.
  • *** I hate when other people make me wait a long time.
  • *** I hate it when my clothes smell of cigarette smoke.
  • *** I hate it when women say that all men are the same.
*** Are you suggesting that Donald doesn’t really hate Mary?
  • *** I’d hate to be the one who has to make that decision.
  • *** It is not because I hate him, but because I love him.
  • *** They hate each other from the bottoms of their hearts.
  • *** Donald hates parents who don’t control their bratty children.
  • *** I hate the sound that cellophane makes when you crinkle it.
  • *** He hates singing in public because his songs are kind of bad.
  • *** I hate it when I have to sit between two fat guys on a plane.
  • *** One thing you should know about me is that I hate exercising.
  • *** I don’t like him very much. To tell you the truth, I hate him.
  • *** Most writers hate being criticized.
  • *** Donald has no idea why Mary hates him.
  • *** Donald hated every day of summer camp.
  • *** What do you love? What do you hate?
  • *** I hate it when hair clogs the drain.
  • *** I hate the way that he speaks to me.
  • *** I hate to be the bearer of bad news.
  • *** Love and hate are opposite emotions.
  • *** Mary hates her job for many reasons.
  • *** Donald and Mary really hate each other.
  • *** I love the outdoors, but I hate bugs.
  • *** I love Donald, but he thinks I hate him.
  • *** I’m not sure, but I think I hate Donald.
  • *** Did you really tell Donald you hated him?
  • *** I’d hate to have to go there with Donald.
  • *** She really hates this way of thinking.
  • *** Don’t you just hate this kind of movie?
  • *** How in the world could I ever hate Donald?
  • *** I hate everyone, and everyone hates me.
  • *** I hate it when things like this happen.
  • *** I hate you from the bottom of my heart.
  • *** You hate this kind of stuff, don’t you?
  • *** I think you hate Donald about as much I do.
  • *** I would hate to become just a housewife.
  • *** She still hated him, even after he died.
  • *** Donald always wondered why Mary hated John.
  • *** Donald hated Mary as much as she hated him.
  • *** Donald hates Mary as much as she hates him.
  • *** You must have hated Donald for what he did.
  • *** I hate it when people tell me what to do.
  • *** I hate it when there are a lot of people.
  • *** I hate to waste time on such a wild idea.

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