Resimli İngilizce Duygular (Feelings Emotions), İle İlgili Cümle Örnekleri


Duyguların, ruh hallerinin ingilizce isimleri nelerdir? Resimli ingilizce duygular (feelings and emotions) örnek cümleler, cümlede kullanımları.

Resimli İngilizce Duygular

Resimli İngilizce Duygular (Feelings - Emotions)

Üzüntü, üzücü ve kötü ve duyguları anlatan ingilizce kelimeler – Sad Feelings

  • Sad: üzgün
    We are very sad to hear that you are leaving.
  • Depressed: Karamsar, bunalımlı
    He became very depressed and even got suicidal at one point.
  • Embarrassed: utanmış
    I was embarrassed by his comments about my clothes.
  • Angry: kızgın
    She seemed to delight in making her parents angry.
  • Shocked: şok olmuş, sarsılmış
    He was so shocked that he could hardly bring out a word.
  • Disappointed: hayal kırıklığına uğramış
    Dad seemed more disappointed than angry.
  • hurt: kırılmış, incinmiş
    Don’t cry out before you are hurt.
  • confused: kafası karışmış
    People are confused about all the different labels on food these days.
  • frustrated: sinirli, engellenmiş
    This failure leaves the child depressed and frustrated.

Resimli İngilizce Duygular (Feelings - Emotions)

Mutluluk, mutlu güzel duyguları anlatan ingilizce kelimeler: Happy feelings

  • excited: heyecanlı
    No wonder the children are excited, – this is the first time they’ve been abroad
  • happy: mutlu
    Life’s too short to be anything but happy.
  • accepted: kabul görmüş
    There is no generally accepted definition of life.
  • pleased: memnun
    I am pleased that you have a new job.
  • content: tatmin olmuş, memnun
    Are you content with your present salary?
  • lovely: sevecen, sevimli
    The cool water felt lovely after being in the hot sun.

Resimli İngilizce Duygular (Feelings - Emotions)

Ruh halleri: moods

  • lazy: tembel
    Managers had complained that the workers were lazy and unreliable.
  • ready to work: çalışmaya hazır
    I was feeling ready to work in the morning but I am feeling exhausted now.
  • tired: yorgun
    My legs were tired after so much walking.
  • angry: kızgın
    He was stung by thousands of angry bees.
  • friendly: arkadaş canlısı
    ‘You must be Annie,’ he said in a friendly tone.
  • cooperative: iş birlikçi, yardım yapan
    The workmen are very cooperative, so the work goes on smoothly.
  • grumpy: huysuz, somurtkan
    Mina’s always a bit grumpy first thing in the morning.
  • not friendly – unfriendly: arkadaş canlısı değil
    Our neighbours are unfriendly to us.


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