Yet İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler, Yet Cümle İçinde Kullanımı Örnek Cümleler


İçinde yet geçen ingilizce örnek cümleler. Yet kelimesinin ingilizce cümle içinde kullanımı. Yet ile ilgili ingilizce cümle örnekleri.

Yet İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler

Yet İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler

  • *** He hasn’t yet turned in the report this month.
  • *** He promised to come, but hasn’t turned up yet.
  • *** I find it strange that she hasn’t arrived yet.
  • *** I see that you haven’t painted your house yet.
  • *** We haven’t been able to solve the problem yet.
  • *** We haven’t finished eating the watermelon yet.
  • *** He isn’t back yet. He may have had an accident.
  • *** I haven’t formed an opinion on the subject yet.
  • *** I haven’t read the final page of the novel yet.
  • *** If I were in her place, I wouldn’t give up yet.
  • ***Is there anyone we invited who hasn’t come yet?
  • ***Obviously, Tom hasn’t told anyone about us yet.
  • ***Oh, I haven’t decided what I’m going to do yet.
  • ***The newspaper hasn’t published our article yet.
  • ***Tom asked me if I had finished my homework yet.
  • ***We don’t yet know the side effects of the drug.
  • ***A stranger is a friend you just haven’t met yet.
  • ***A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet.
  • ***Because I didn’t take the bus, I’m not home yet.
  • ***Have you gotten settled into your new house yet?
  • ***He hasn’t come yet. He must have missed the bus.
  • ***I don’t know yet, but I’ll find out soon enough.
  • ***I haven’t worked up the courage to tell her yet.
  • ***It’s already November, but it hasn’t snowed yet.
  • ***The colony has not declared independence as yet.
  • ***The committee has not yet arrived at a decision.
  • ***You probably haven’t yet finished your homework.
***Do you think this jelly’s firm enough to eat yet?
  • ***Have you gotten used to eating Japanese food yet?
  • ***I’m fairly sure Tom hasn’t done his homework yet.
  • ***Just wait a little please. He hasn’t arrived yet.
  • ***She grew up near the sea, yet she hates swimming.
  • ***There’s another problem we haven’t discussed yet.
  • ***They haven’t fixed a date for their wedding yet.
  • ***To the best of my knowledge, she hasn’t left yet.
  • ***We have not yet discussed which method is better.
  • ***He has not come yet. He may have missed the train.
  • ***It was cold last night, yet he didn’t wear a coat.
  • ***Scientists haven’t found a vaccine for cancer yet.
  • ***The police have found no trace of the suspect yet.
  • ***Tom and Mary haven’t unpacked their suitcases yet.
  • ***Tom may have missed the train. He hasn’t come yet.
  • ***We haven’t worked out custody of the children yet.
  • ***We haven’t yet talked about what needs to be done.
  • ***Apparently, Tom hasn’t yet told Mary what happened.
  • ***Don’t go anywhere just yet. Wait until I get there.
  • ***I can’t leave yet. I still have a few things to do.
  • ***If Tom hasn’t told you yet, he probably never will.
  • ***So, Betty, have you decided on your dream home yet?
  • ***Tom isn’t yet old enough to get a driver’s license.
*** They aren’t children any more, but not adults yet.
  • ***Has he come yet?
  • ***I’m not ready yet.
  • ***He hasn’t come yet.
  • ***My son can’t count yet.
  • ***Have you eaten lunch yet?
  • ***Have you fed the dog yet?
  • ***Mary has not started yet.
  • ***Have you eaten supper yet?
  • ***I haven’t eaten lunch yet.
  • ***The baby doesn’t walk yet.
  • ***There are no comments yet.
  • ***We aren’t very hungry yet.
  • ***Tom is not yet able to swim.
  • ***The wound has not healed yet.
  • ***Have you eaten your lunch yet?
  • ***Have you finished breakfast yet?
  • ***Have you taken your medicine yet?
  • ***I think that Tom hasn’t left yet.
  • ***I can’t get in touch with him yet.
  • ***I can’t tell you the answer to that yet.
  • ***Tom hasn’t finished all his homework yet.
  • ***Have you finished your English homework yet?
  • ***I’m not yet used to writing business letters.
  • ***Tom’s already here, but Bill hasn’t come yet.
  • ***Scientists haven’t found a cure for cancer yet.
  • ***I’m not sure yet, but I think I’ll become a teacher.
  • ***I haven’t decided yet whether I’ll go to college or get a job.
  • ***She borrowed the book from him many years ago and hasn’t yet returned it.

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