Great İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler, Great Cümle İçinde Kullanımı


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Great cümleler

Great İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler

  • ***great, isn’t it?
  • ***That’s a great poem.
  • ***That’s really great!
  • ***That was a great party.
  • ***He is a great scientist.
  • ***She was in a great hurry.
  • ***I have a great deal to do.
  • ***This is a great apartment.
  • ***That’s a really great idea.
  • ***The wind feels great today.
  • ***I think he’s a great writer.
  • ***He was a great influence on me.
  • ***I have a great deal to do today.
  • ***I have a great deal to do tonight.
  • ***She’s wearing a great-looking hat.
  • ***He has great confidence in himself.
  • ***I finally came up with a great idea.
  • ***It would be great if we could meet again.
  • ***I regretted having wasted a great deal of time.
  • ***I think this tie will go great with that shirt.
  • ***If you could assist me, it would be a great help.
  • ***Tom regretted having wasted a great deal of his life.
  • ***I spent a great deal of time dealing with that problem last week.
  • ***It’s great to see Tom having fun again.
  • ***My grandmother left us a great fortune.
  • ***Nothing would give me greater pleasure.
  • ***She has a great appetite for adventure.
***The greatest happiness lies in freedom.
  • ***They are separated by a great distance.
  • ***Those books are always in great demand.
  • ***We have freed you from a great anxiety.
  • ***We’ve given it a great deal of thought.
  • ***You’ve been a great help to our family.
  • ***A great earthquake hit Mexico this fall.
  • ***Canada is a great place for sightseeing.
  • ***Eating is one of life’s great pleasures.
  • ***Everyone considers Nomo a great pitcher.
  • ***Everyone regarded him as a great singer.
  • ***Forgiveness is the greatest gift of all.
  • ***He failed in spite of his great efforts.
  • ***He felt great sorrow when his wife died.
  • ***He has a great influence on his country.
  • ***He is inclined to argue at great length.
  • ***He is the greatest poet that ever lived.
  • ***He made a great fortune in his lifetime.
  • ***He put great emphasis on spoken English.
  • ***He wanted to be a great military leader.
  • ***He was a great poet as well as a doctor.
  • ***He was calm in the face of great danger.
  • ***I feel a great love for all of humanity.
***I’m sure she will become a great singer.
  • ***I’ve given this a great deal of thought.
  • ***Painting was the great love of his life.
  • ***That American movie was a great success.
  • ***The boy grew up to be a great scientist.
  • ***The boy grew up to be a great statesman.
  • ***The influence of TV on society is great.
  • ***The matter is of great importance to me.
  • ***The movie costarred two great actresses.
  • ***This guy’s great at pitching curveballs.
  • ***This is a great place to raise a family.
  • ***This smells great! What are you cooking?
  • ***”Let’s go dancing.” “What a great idea!”
  • ***A great idea presented itself in my mind.
  • ***A great many people attended his funeral.
  • ***A museum is a great place to find a date.
  • ***A small gain is better than a great loss.
  • ***Dad! Mom! I have some great news for you!
  • ***Far from being bored, I had a great time.
  • ***Food is one of life’s greatest pleasures.
  • ***He spends a great deal of money on books.
  • ***He’s considered to be a great politician.
  • ***I am a great admirer of American culture.

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