İngilizce Sıfatların Derecelendirilmesi (Sıfatların Comparative ve Superlative Halleri)


İngilizcede en çok kullanılan sıfatların comparative ve superlative halleri, sıfatların derecelendirilmesi.


Fine ( güzel) finer the finest
wide ( geniş ) wider the widest
Large (büyük,geniş ) larger the largest
late ( geç ) later the latest
nice ( hoş ) nicer the nicest
safe ( güvenli ) safer the safest
young ( genç ) younger the youngest
new ( yeni ) newer the newest
long ( uzun ) longer the youngest
thick ( kalın ) thicker the thickest
clean ( temiz ) cleaner the cleanest
cheap ( ucuz ) cheaper the cheapest
poor ( fakir ) poorer the poorest
rich ( zengin ) richer the richest
light ( hafif ) lighter the lightest
strong (kuvvetli ) stronger the strongest
weak ( zayıf ) weaker the weakest
cool ( serin ) cooler the coolest
small ( küçük ) smaller the smallest
cold ( soğuk ) colder the coldest
hot ( sıcak ) hotter the hottest
fat ( şişman ) fatter the fattest
clever ( akıllı ) cleverer the cleverest
fast ( hızlı ) faster the fastest
fancy ( lüks,fantezi ) fancier the fanciest
happy ( mutlu ) happier the happiest
heavy ( ağır ) heavier the heaviest
easy ( kolay ) easier the easiest
busy ( meşgul ) busier the busiest
dirty ( kirli ) dirtier the dirtiest
early ( erken ) earlier the earliest
ugly ( çirkin ) uglier the ugliest
pretty ( hoş ) prettier the prettiest
lazy ( tembel ) lazier the laziest
funny ( neşeli ) funnier the funniest
difficult (zor,güç ) more difficult the most difficult
comfortable ( rahat) more comfortable the most comfortable
famous ( ünlü ) more famous the most famous
boring ( sıkıcı ) more boring the most boring
handsome ( yakışıklı ) more handsome the most handsome
dangerous ( tehlikeli ) moer dangerous the most dangerous
delicious ( lezzetli ) more delicious the most delicious
expensive ( pahalı ) more expensive the most expensive
crowded ( kalabalık ) more crowded the most crowded
hardworking (çalışkan ) more hardworking the most hardworking
interesting ( ilginç) more interesting the most interesting
beautiful ( güzel ) more beautiful the most beautiful
good (iyi ) better the best
bad ( kötü ) worse the worst
little (az ) less the least


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