H Harfi İle Başlayan İngilizce Sıfatlar ve Türkçe Anlamları Karşılıkları


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H Harfi İle Başlayan İngilizce Sıfatlar

H Harfi İle Başlayan İngilizce Sıfatlar

  • hairy : kıllı
  • half : yarım
  • handmade : el yapımı
  • handsome : yakışıklı
  • handy : kullanışlı
  • happy : mutlu
  • hard : zor
  • hard-to-find : bulması zor
  • harmful : zararlı (causing damage or injury to someone or something, especially to a person’s health or to the environment)
  • harmless : zararsız (unable or unlikely to cause damage or harm.)
  • harmonious : uyumlu
  • harsh : sert
  • hasty : aceleci (moving or acting with haste; speedy; quick; hurried)
  • hateful : nefret dolu
  • haunting : unutulmaz, musallat (having qualities (such as sadness or beauty) that linger in the memory)

He İle Başlayan İngilizce Sıfatlar

  • healthy : sağlıklı
  • heartfelt : yürekten (showing strong feelings that are sincere)
  • hearty : içten (friendly and enthusiastic)
  • heavenly : göksel (of or in the heavens)
  • heavy : ağır (weighing a lot or strong)
  • hefty : ağır (large and heavy; amount)
  • helpful : faydalı (able to improve a particular situation)
  • helpless : çaresiz (unable to help oneself; weak or dependent)

Hi – Ho İle Başlayan İngilizce Sıfatlar

  • hidden : gizli
  • hideous : iğrenç
  • high : yüksek
  • high-level : yüksek seviye (​involving senior people)
  • hilarious : neşeli
  • hoarse : boğuk (gratingly harsh or raucous in tone)
  • hollow : oyuk
  • homely : çirkin
  • honest : dürüst (not given to lying, cheating, stealing, etc; trustworthy)
  • honorable : onurlu
  • honored : şerefli (held in honor; highly respected)
  • hopeful : umutlu (having or expressing hope)
  • horrible : korkunç (terrible, awful, appalling, frightful; hideous, grim, ghastly, shocking, revolting, repulsive, horrid, horrendous, horrifying, repellent)
  • hospitable : misafirperver (receiving or treating guests or strangers warmly and generously)
  • hot : Sıcak

Hu İle Başlayan İngilizce Sıfatlar

  • huge : Kocaman
  • humble : mütevazi (not proud or arrogant; modest)
  • humiliating : aşağılayıcı
  • humming : uğultu (making a droning sound; buzzing)
  • humongous : koskocaman (exceptionally large; huge.)
  • hungry : aç (feeling that you want to eat something)
  • hurtful : yaralayıcı (making you feel upset and offended)
  • husky : boğuk (of a voice or utterance) sounding low-pitched and slightly hoarse.

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