B Harfi İle Başlayan İngilizce Fiiller ve Anlamları, Baş Harfi B İngilizce Fiiller


B harfiyle başlayan ingilizce fiiller, 2. ve 3. halleri (past, past participle) ve türkçe anlamları. B ile İngilizce fiiller (verbs) listesi.

B Harfi İle Başlayan İngilizce Fiiller ve Anlamları

B Harfi İle Başlayan İngilizce Fiiller ve Anlamları

Verb / Simple Past / Past Participle / Türkçesi

  • Bake / Baked / Baked / fırında pişirmek
  • be / was/were / been / olmak, var olmak
  • bear / bore / borne / katlanmak, taşımak, doğurmak
  • beat / beat / beaten / yenmek, vurmak, dövmek
  • become / became / become / olmak
  • befall / befell / befallen / başına gelmek
  • Beg / Begged / Begged / yalvarmak
  • beget / begot / begotten / baba olmak
  • begin / began / begun / başlamak
    He stopped when he saw her begin to shudder.
    Then they’ll begin look for the source.
  • Behave / Behaved / Behaved / davranmak
  • behold / beheld / beheld / dikkatle bakmak
  • bend / bent / bent / eğilmek
  • bereave / bereaved, breft / bereaved, breft / kayıp acısı çekmek
  • beseech / besought / besought / yalvarmak
  • beset / beset / beset / kuşatmak, taciz etmek
  • bet / bet / bet / bahse girmek
    He bet $5 on the game.
    I’ll bet that he makes the next shot.
    He always bets that the favorite will win.
  • bid / bade, bid / bidden, bid / buyurmak
  • bide / bided, bode / bided / uzun süre beklemek
  • bind / bound / bound / sarmak
  • bite / bit / bitten / ısırmak
    I was afraid he’d bite the man and I’d get in big trouble
  • bleed / bled / bled / kanamak
  • bless / blessed, blest / blessed, blest / kutsamak
  • blow / blew / blown / esmek
  • Boil / Boiled / Boiled / kaynatmak
  • Borrow / Borrowed / Borrowed / ödünç almak
    If it is necessary to borrow, the consent of the parish meeting and of the county council must be obtained.
  • break / broke / broken / kırmak
  • breed / bred / bred / beslemek.yetiştirmek
  • bring / brought / brought / getirmek
    She’d buy the pizza and have it delivered if they would bring her some.
  • broadcast / broadcast / broadcast / yayın yapmak
  • Brush / Brushed / Brushed / fırça yapmak
  • build / built / built / inşa etmek
  • burn / burnt, burned / burnt, burned / yanmak, yakmak
    He stood and watched it burn, feeling as if a part of him burned with it.
  • Bury / Buried / Buried / gömmek
  • bust / bust / bust / patlatmak, patlamak, bozmak
  • buy / bought / bought / satın almak

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