D Harfiyle Başlayan İngilizce Hayvanlar Türkçeleri ve İngilizce Tanıtımları


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D Harfiyle Başlayan İngilizce Hayvanlar

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D Harfiyle Başlayan İngilizce Hayvanlar


dingo Kaynak: pixabay.com


The dingo is medium-sized canine natively found on the Australian continent and even into South-East Asia. The dingo is thought to have once been a domestic dog that has returned to living in the wild now for thousands of years. The dingo can be found in a variety of habitats throughout the Australian mainland and it’s surrounding islands. Dingos are in both woodlands and rainforests, shrublands and even on the outskirts of the arid Australian deserts.


Kaynak: pixabay.com


Dinosaurs roamed the Earth over 200 million years ago and were the dominant terrestrial vertebrate for 135 million years. It is believed their extinction came about because of changes in the climate they couldn’t adapt to. Birds are the closest relative to a dinosaur that we have. DEVAMI

köpek yavrusu

Kaynak: pixabay.com


Dogs are thought to have been first domesticated in East Asia thousands of years ago. People primarily used dogs for guarding the hunters and areas of land. Today’s domestic dog is actually a subspecies of the grey wolf, a type of dog that is feared by most humans. Many people today, in all countries around the world, keep dogs as household pets and many even regard their dog as a family member.


Kaynak: pixabay.com


dolphin is generally found around the Mediterranean Sea but are also commonly seen in deep off-shore waters and to a lesser extent over continental shelves that are preferred to shallower waters. Some populations of dolphin may be present all year round, others appear to move in a migratory pattern. Common dolphins travel in groups of around 10-50 in number and frequently gather into schools numbering 100 to 2000 individuals.


Kaynak: pixabay.com


Donkeys were supposedly domesticated around 5000 years ago in the north east of Africa from the Somali wild ass. The domestication if donkeys soon spread across the globe, with people mainly using the donkeys to help carry heavy loads and transport goods long distances. They are anatomically normal and show normal breeding behaviour, so hybrids should be gelded as early as possible to avoid studdy behaviour.


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The common names pigeon and dove are often used interchangeably. In ornithology, “dove” tends to be used for smaller species and “pigeon” for larger ones. The feral domestic pigeon is often called the “rock dove”: it is common in many cities. There are more than 300 species in the family. They usually make nests of sticks, and their two white eggs are incubated by both the male and the female parent. Doves feed on seeds, fruit and plants. Unlike most other birds, the doves and pigeons produce a type of milk. It is produced in their crop, and called crop milk. Both sexes have this highly nutritious milk to feed their young.


Kaynak: pixabay.com


Ducks are medium sized aquatic birds related to other aquatic birds like swans and geese. Ducks differ from swans and geese in their tendency to dive into the water in order catch their food. Ducks are omnivorous animals feeding on aquatic plants, small fish, insects and grubs both in and out of water meaning that ducks can easily adapt to different conditions.

Deniz Ayısı

Kaynak: pixabay.com


The dugong is a large marine mammal found in the warm waters surrounding Indonesia and Australia. Although the dugong can be found widely throughout the Indo-Pacific tropics, the highest population of the dugong is concentrated around northern Australia. Although the dugong looks extremely similar to a manatee, the two are different species. The dugong and the manatee are very closely related and can look almost identical until you look at their tail. The tail of the dugong is typically forked like the tail of a shark, where the tail of the manatee is broad and flat, and slightly more flipper looking than fin looking.

bok böceği

Kaynak: pixabay.com


Dung beetles have dark, round bodies, six legs and long flying wings folded under hard, protective covers. Some male dung beetles have strong horns on their heads, too. Found worldwide on every continent except Antartica, these brilliant bugs live in habitats ranging from hot, dry deserts to lush forests. There are three main types of dung beetle – rollers, tunnellers and dwellers – each named for the way the way the beetles use the poop they find.

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