Unanimously İle İlgili Cümleler, Unanimously Cümle İçinde Kullanımı


İçinde İngilizce Unanimously kelimesi geçen İngilizce cümle örnekleri. Unanimously ile ilgili cümleler, cümle kurma örnekleri.

Unanimously İle İlgili Cümleler

Unanimously İle İlgili Cümleler

  1. *** This was then ratified unanimously by the FA Board on Thursday.
  2. *** The Supreme Court unanimously confirmed transportation to achieve racial balance.
  3. *** In 1958, the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously revoked this judgment.
  4. *** The Supreme Court of the United States unanimously rejected the constitutional challenge of the Sarbanes-Oxley Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), also known as Peekaboo.
  5. *** Both chambers voted unanimously in favor of the decision.
  6. *** The movement of the three progressive democrats was unanimously authorized by the party’s representatives.
  7. *** Only yesterday, or so it seems, Wall Street’s equity analysts almost unanimously hailed a new economic paradigm.
  8. *** Suddenly interested in the achievement of poor black schoolchildren, experts, federal officials and policymakers, they unanimously condemn the Ebanos for lowering standards.
  9. *** The new president, elected unanimously by the board members, was Mr. Neville Creed.
  10. *** The next candidate, Richard Baxter, was elected unanimously the first time they heard him preach.
  11. *** The commission voted unanimously for a 38-page reading and writing standard that includes a section on listening and speaking skills.
  12. *** Papandreou, 71, was unanimously re-elected as Pasok’s leader in a party congress on September 23, 1990.
  13. *** In separate ballots, the panel unanimously agreed to issue 43 citations.
  14. *** Tomkinson, of Bishopston, Bristol, was unanimously convicted of both violations.
  15. *** This was seconded and taken unanimously.
  16. *** In May 1819 he was unanimously elected as a member of the board of examiners of the College of Veterinarians, succeeding Cline.
  17. *** They also voted unanimously to approve adding three more pages to the minutes of a meeting on July 10.
  18. *** Forrester unanimously man the party in all of them.
  19. *** The election of the standing committee of legal experts to draft the constitution, adopted unanimously by the assembly, was surprising.
  20. *** The Argives voted unanimously to maintain the right of the supplicant.

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