W Harfiyle Başlayan İngilizce Hayvanlar Türkçeleri ve İngilizce Tanıtımları


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W Harfiyle Başlayan İngilizce Hayvanlar

Arka plan kaynak: pixabay.com

W Harfiyle Başlayan İngilizce Hayvanlar


Kaynak: pixabay.com


The wallaby is a small to medium sized marsupial found on the Australian continent and its surrounding islands. Today there are a number of wild wallaby populations inhabiting other areas around the world where the wallaby has been introduced by humans. The wallaby is most closely related to Australia’s largest marsupial, the kangaroo. The wallaby is generally smaller than a kangaroo although some wallaby individuals have been known to reach 6ft tall.


Kaynak: pixabay.com


Walruses have large and elongated bodies that are wider at the head and neck and taper towards their tail which is embedded in a web of skin. Their tough and wrinkled skin is covered by a layer of sparse, coarse hairs and is generally grey or brown in colour. However, whilst sunbathing out of the water, the skin of the Walrus (which can be up to 4cm thick) develops a pink-red colouration. Walruses have two pairs of flippers that are used to help to propel these large animals with great agility through the water, with their bodies powered by their back flippers while the front flippers are used to steer them in the right direction.

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Kaynak: pixabay.com


The warthog is a fantastic digger thanks to the strong tusks on the jaws of the warthog but the warthog also uses its head and feet to help the warthog dig into the ground either to search for grubs or so that the warthog can build a burrow. Despite the fact that the warthog is a very capable digger, warthogs seem to prefer to occupy abandoned burrows built by other animals, rather than build their own. Warthogs live together with other warthogs in small family groups that are known as sounders. These warthog groups generally have a few female warthog members and their young, and will have one male warthog member who is responsible for protecting the sounder and mating with the female warthogs.


Kaynak: pixabay.com


The water buffalo is thought to have originated in Asia but has since been introduced to Australia, Africa, Europe and North America. The wild Asian water buffalo is now considered to be an endangered species. The water buffalo has been domesticated by humans for thousands of years and is used to pull heavy machinery and to carry heavy loads. Buffalo are farmed in most countries for their meat.


Kaynak: pixabay.com


The Weasel is a small-sized carnivorous mammal that is found on every continent with the exception of Australia and its surrounding islands, along with the more hostile polar regions. The Weasel has evolved to prey on small animals like no other carnivore as their long, slender bodies are perfectly suited for following mice into their burrows. Weasels have a small and narrow head which is not much thicker than their neck and along with their short legs and flexible spine means that they are able to easily manoeuvre themselves around in small, confined spaces.


Kaynak: pixabay.com


Whales are social, air breathing mammals, they feed their babies with their own milk, and they take extraordinarily good care of their young and teach them life skills. Many of us believe whales are special; they certainly invoke a sense of wonder and a feeling of kinship. There is something almost other-worldly about them. Whales enrich the lives of many people who come into contact with them. Whales are unique, beautiful, graceful and mysterious; they nurture, bond, play, sing and cooperate with one another.


Kaynak: pixabay.com


Whippets are generally quiet and gentle dogs, and may be content to spend much of the day resting. Although especially attached to their owners, they are friendly with visitors. Whippets are not prone to snapping, so they are good with young children. Because of their friendly nature whippets are known to have been used in aged care facilities.


Kaynak: pixabay.com


The wildebeest is actually a subspecies of the antelope, despite its bull-like appearance. There are two known species of wildebeest, both of which are native to Africa. The wildebeest is a primary source of prey for many large African mammals, that often pick out the weaker wildebeest from the outside of the herd. Wildebeest generally grow to around 1.5 tall but are relatively defenceless against dominant, carnivorous predators such as lions and crocodiles.


Kaynak: pixabay.com


The wolf is thought to be an ice age survivor, dating wolves around 300,000 years ago. The wolf is accepted to be the ancestor of the domestic dog as the wolf is thought to have selectively bred in order to breed appealing traits typical of puppies and to eliminate the not so appealing traits of adult wolves. The grey wolf is a highly adaptive animal found in all kinds of terrain. Wolves inhabit forests, deserts, mountains, tundras, grasslands and even urban areas with the wolf being a particularly dominant and ruthless predator within it’s environment.


Kaynak: pixabay.com


The wombat is a medium sized marsupial that is found only in Australia and it’s surrounding islands. Wombats are burrowing mammals that spend most of the day underground, coming out at night to feed. The common wombat is thought to be a descendant of the giant wombat that existed around 50 million years ago. The giant wombat’s extinction is said to be caused by hunting and changes to their environment including pollution and habitat loss.


Kaynak: pixabay.com


The woodcocks are a group of seven or eight very similar living species of wading birds in the genus Scolopax. Woodcocks have stocky bodies, cryptic brown and blackish plumage and long slender bills. Their eyes are located on the sides of their heads, which gives them 360° vision. Unlike in most birds, the tip of the bill’s upper mandible is flexible.


Kaynak: pixabay.com


There are around 200 species of woodpecker inhabiting the forests and woodlands worldwide. Woodpeckers are found on every continent with the exception of the polar regions, Australia and Madagascar. The smallest species of woodpecker is the Bar-breasted Piculet that only grows to 8cm in height. The Gray Slaty woodpecker from south east Asia is the largest living woodpecker in the world with some of these woodpecker individuals growing to nearly 60 cm tall.

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