İngilizce Organlar İsimleri İngilizce Tanıtımları ve Organ Şemaları


Vücudumuzdaki organların ingilizce isimleri, şema üzerinde gösterimleri ve ingilizce olarak tanıtımları, görevler. İngilizce organlar hakkında bilgi.

İngilizce Organlar




The heart is an organ found in every vertebrate. It is a very strong muscle. It is on the left side of the body in humans and is about the size of a fist. It pumps blood throughout the body. It has regular contractions, or when the heart squeezes the blood out into other parts of the body.

ingilizce organlar




The lungs are the primary organs of the respiratory system in humans. Humans have two lungs, a right lung and a left lung. They are situated within the thoracic cavity of the chest. The right lung is bigger than the left, which shares space in the chest with the heart.




The brain is the part of the body which lets animals make sense of things. It gets input from sense organs, and changes behaviour in response to this information. In humans, the brain also controls our use of language, and is capable of abstract thought. The brain is the main control centre of the whole body. The brain is made up of a special type of cells. They are connected with each other and with the nerves in our body. In all animals the delicate brain is protected in some way. In ourselves, and all vertebrates, it is protected by the bones of the skull.

İngilizce Organ Şemaları




The liver performs all sorts of vital functions in our bodies from helping us to break down food in digestion to ridding our bodies of toxins. It is part of the gastrointestinal system. The liver makes bile. This is a bright yellow-green liquid that goes into the small intestines to help digest the big chunks of food we eat. The liver stores glucose when we eat and then puts the glucose into the blood when our blood glucose level goes down. This may happen when we have not eaten everyday. The liver takes protein and fat and turns it into glucose.


Böbrek Kesiti

Kidneys are two organs in the abdomen of vertebrates that are shaped like beans. They make urine (the yellow waste water that comes out of the urethra.) They are part of the urinary system. When medical professionals discuss the kidneys, they typically refer to the word renal. For example, renal failure is when the kidneys are sick and do not work. The kidney makes hormones. The two most important ones that it makes are erythropoetin and renin.

İngilizce Organ Şemaları




The stomach is part of the digestive system. It is an internal organ between the esophagus and the small intestines. The stomach is the third stage in the digestive process. It holds food after ingestion. Food in the stomach then passes through to the small intestine where most of the food’s nutrition is absorbed.



The intestines of an animal are like a hollow tube so that food and bile from the stomach can reach the small intestine and large intestine.

The first part of the small intestine is called the duodenum. It is where most of the food is broken down by enzymes. Further on, the small intestine absorbs useful compounds from the digested food. It does this through small villi or tiny microvilli. These are very small, hair-like structures in the walls of the intestine.

The large intestine is also called the bowel. It absorbs water, and any nutrients still remaining. It also absorbs vitamins made by the gut flora in the colon. Finally it expels waste through the anus.

İngilizce Organ Şemaları




The pancreas is an organ that makes hormones and enzymes to help digestion. The pancreas helps break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The pancreas is behind the stomach and is on the left side of the human body.


The skin is a major organ that covers our entire body. It also provides feedback to the brain through the sense of touch. The skin of human beings usually has very small hairs on it that are hard to see.

İngilizce Organ Şemaları




The ear is the part of the body which allows animals (including people) to hear. People and most mammals have ears. The ear works by directing sound to the inner ear. These vibrations are sent to the brain by a network (organized group) of nerves. The whole system is called the auditory system.


göz kaş


Eyes are organs of the visual system. They provide animals with vision, the ability to receive and process visual detail, as well as enabling several photo response functions that are independent of vision. Eyes detect light and convert it into electro-chemical impulses in neurons.

İnsan Vücudu İle İlgili İngilizce Kelimeler ve Anlamları

  • abdomen karın
  • mandible çene
  • adenoids lenf bezleri
  • metacarpal eltarağına ait
  • adrenal gland böbreküstü bezi
  • mouth ağız
  • anatomy anatomi
  • muscle kas
  • ankle ayak bileği
  • anus anüs
  • nail tırnak
  • appendix apandis
  • navel göbek
  • arm kol
  • neck boyun
  • artery arter
  • nerves sinirler
  • nipple meme
  • back sırt
  • nose burun
  • belly göbek
  • nostril burun deliği
  • big toe ayak başparmağı
  • bladder mesane
  • organs organlar
  • blood kan
  • ovary yumurtalık
  • blood vessels
  • kan damarları
  • body vücut
  • palm avuç içi
  • bone kemik
  • pancreas pankreas
  • brain beyin
  • patella dizkapağı
  • breast meme
  • pelvis pelvis
  • buttocks kalça
  • phalanges parmak kemikleri
  • pharynx yutak
  • capillary kılcal damar
  • pituitary hipofiz
  • cartilage kıkırdak
  • pore gözenek
  • cell hücre
  • cervical vertebrae
  • boyun omurları
  • rectum rektum
  • cheek yanak
  • red blood cells Kırmızı kan hücreleri
  • chest göğüs
  • respiratory system solunum sistemi
  • chin çene
  • circulatory system kan dolaşım sistemi
  • sacrum sakrum
  • clavicle klavikula
  • scalp kafa derisi
  • coccyx koksiks
  • scapula kürek kemiği
  • collar bone
  • yaka kemiği senses duyular
  • shin incik
  • diaphragm diyafram
  • shoulder omuz
  • digestive system sindirim sistemi
  • shoulder blade omuz bıçağı
  • skeleton iskelet
  • ear kulak
  • skin cilt
  • elbow dirsek
  • skull kafatası
  • endocrine system endokrin sistem
  • spinal column omurga
  • esophagus yemek borusu
  • spinal cord omurilik
  • eye göz
  • spine omurga
  • eyebrow kaş
  • spleen dalak
  • eyelashes kirpikler
  • sternum göğüs kemiği
  • eyelid gözkapağı
  • stomach mide
  • face yüz
  • tarsal ayak bileği ile ilgili
  • fallopian tubes fallop tüpleri
  • teeth diş
  • feet ayaklar
  • tendon tendon
  • femur uyluk
  • testes testisler
  • fibula fibula
  • thigh uyluk
  • finger parmak
  • thorax göğüs
  • fingernail tırnak
  • throat boğaz
  • follicle folikül
  • thumb başparmak
  • foot ayak
  • thyroid tiroid
  • forehead alın
  • tibia kaval kemiği
  • tissue doku
  • gallbladder safra kesesi
  • toe ayak parmağı
  • glands bezler
  • toenail ayak tırnağı
  • groin kasık
  • tongue dil
  • tonsils bademcikler
  • hair saç
  • tooth diş
  • hand el
  • torso gövde
  • head kafa
  • trachea nefes borusu
  • heart kalp
  • heel topuk
  • ulna dirsek kemiği
  • hip kalça
  • urethra üretra
  • humerus kol kemiği
  • urinary system idrar sistemi
  • uterus uterus
  • immune system bağışıklık sistemi
  • uvula küçük dil
  • instep ayağın üst kısmı
  • index finger işaret parmağı
  • vein damar
  • intestines bağırsaklar
  • vertebra omur
  • iris iris
  • waist bel
  • jaw çene
  • white blood cells Beyaz kan hücreleri
  • wrist bilek
  • kidney böbrek
  • knee diz
  • larynx gırtlak
  • leg bacak
  • ligament bağ
  • lip dudak
  • liver karaciğer
  • lobe lop
  • lumbar vertebrae omurga
  • lungs akciğer
  • lymph node lenf düğümü

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