This İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler, This İngilizce Cümle İçinde Kullanımı


İçinde This geçen İngilizce örnek cümleler. This kelimesinin İngilizce cümle içinde kullanımı ile ilgili olarak örnek cümlelerin yer aldığı sayfamız.

This İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler

This İle İlgili İngilizce Cümleler

  • ***This is it.
  • ***What’s this?
  • ***Is this love?
  • ***Whose is this?
  • ***Can I eat this?
  • ***Is this French?
  • ***Listen to this!
  • ***This is my car.
  • ***Who broke this?
  • ***This is my book.
  • ***This isn’t fair.
  • ***This book is old.
  • ***This tastes good.
  • ***He owns this land.
  • ***I don’t like this.
  • ***I love this photo.
  • ***I wrote this book.
  • ***Is this your bike?
  • ***This apple is bad.
  • ***This book is mine.
  • ***This is delicious.
  • ***This is my cousin.
  • ***Is this book yours?
  • ***This book is heavy.
  • ***This book is yours.
  • ***This chair is ugly.
  • ***This is a hospital.
  • ***This is a road map.
  • ***This is all I know.
  • ***This is Mary’s dog.
  • ***This is my bicycle.
  • ***This is my brother.
  • ***This is surprising.
  • ***This story is true.
  • ***Can you answer this?
  • ***Don’t climb on this!
  • ***I love this picture.
***This apple is sweet.
  • ***This beef is tender.
  • ***This bird can’t fly.
  • ***This desk is broken.
  • ***This is an old book.
  • ***This is my daughter.
  • ***This is Tony’s book.
  • ***This is what I need.
  • ***This is what I want.
  • ***This isn’t for sale.
  • ***This makes no sense.
  • ***This novel bores me.
  • ***This winter is warm.
  • ***Try on this sweater.
  • ***What does this mean?
  • ***What I mean is this.
  • ***Why did this happen?
  • ***Have fun this summer!
  • ***This bicycle is mine.
  • ***This book is smaller.
  • ***This button is loose.
  • ***This car is like new.
  • ***This clock is broken.
  • ***This door won’t open.
  • ***This is a small book.
  • ***This is an emergency.
  • ***This is homemade jam.
  • ***This is what he said.
  • ***This knife cuts well.
  • ***This one is prettier.
  • ***This sweater is warm.
  • ***This video is boring.
  • ***This wall feels cold.
  • ***This watch is broken.
***This will do for now.
  • ***Whose guitar is this?
  • ***Whose pencil is this?
  • ***You keep out of this.
  • ***Do you need this book?
  • ***I don’t like this one.
  • ***Please take this seat.
  • ***This heater burns gas.
  • ***This is based on fact.
  • ***This is how I made it.
  • ***This is my friend Tom.
  • ***This is the last game.
  • ***This room is for rent.
  • ***This room is for VIPs.
  • ***This should be plenty.
  • ***This textbook is good.
  • ***This work doesn’t pay.
  • ***Can you sing this song?
  • ***Don’t tell anyone this.
  • ***How much is this dress?
  • ***Just don’t forget this.
  • ***They live in this town.
  • ***This apple tastes sour.
  • ***This car needs washing.
  • ***This carpet feels nice.
  • ***This CD belongs to her.
  • ***This data is incorrect.
  • ***This decision is final.
  • ***This doll has big eyes.
  • ***This engine works well.
  • ***This is excellent wine.
  • ***This job is killing me.
  • ***This meat has gone bad.
  • ***This newspaper is free.
***This room smells musty.
  • ***This rose is beautiful.
  • ***This tea is too bitter.
  • ***This thin book is mine.
  • ***You can read this book.
  • ***You may read this book.
  • ***He lives on this street.
  • ***How much is this camera?
  • ***I can’t keep doing this.
  • ***I can’t stand this pain.
  • ***I’m very busy this week.
  • ***Is this a tax-free shop?
  • ***Please keep this secret.
  • ***Take a look at this map.
  • ***This flower smells nice.
  • ***This food smells rotten.
  • ***This is a Japanese doll.
  • ***This is a very old book.
  • ***This program is a rerun.
  • ***This river is beautiful.
  • ***This room gets sunshine.
  • ***This steak is too tough.
  • ***This table isn’t steady.
  • ***This turkey tastes good.
  • ***Can I try on this jacket?
  • ***I don’t like this jacket.
  • ***I got this book from him.
  • ***I wonder if this is love.
  • ***I worked a lot this week.
  • ***Is this a duty-free shop?
  • ***Is this fish still alive?
  • ***May I use this telephone?
***Now this is more like it.
  • ***She met him this morning.
  • ***This box contains apples.
  • ***This castle is beautiful.
  • ***This clock isn’t working.
  • ***This coffee shop is cozy.
  • ***This desk is used by Tom.
  • ***This dog is almost human.
  • ***This door would not open.
  • ***This gate needs painting.
  • ***This house has six rooms.
  • ***This is a dead-end alley.
  • ***This is a very tall tree.
  • ***This is driving me crazy.
  • ***This is my email address.
  • ***This is Uncle Tom’s farm.
  • ***This question isn’t easy.
  • ***This room is very stuffy.
  • ***This tire needs some air.
  • ***This was meant as a joke.
  • ***What does this word mean?
  • ***Who painted this picture?
  • ***Charge this to my account.
  • ***Charge this to my company.
  • ***He overslept this morning.
  • ***I watched TV this morning.
  • ***I will give you this book.
  • ***Let me say this just once.
  • ***This coffee is too bitter.
  • ***This glass contains water.
  • ***This hat cost ten dollars.
  • ***This house needs painting.
  • ***This is a great apartment.
  • ***This isn’t what I ordered.
  • ***This racket belongs to me.
  • ***This soup needs more salt.
  • ***This stain won’t come out.
  • ***This wall feels very cold.
  • ***This wasn’t cheap, was it?
  • ***Will he come this evening?
  • ***You’re wrong in this case.
  • ***Can you answer this riddle?
  • ***Get this stuff out of here.
  • ***Have a little of this cake.
  • ***Have you read this article?
  • ***I can’t solve this problem.
  • ***I like this house as it is.
  • ***Let’s do this first of all.
  • ***This bicycle belongs to me.
  • ***This book is too expensive.
  • ***This book seems easy to me.
***This car is easy to handle.
  • ***This drink is on the house.
  • ***This is never going to end.
  • ***This is the latest fashion.
  • ***This is why I quit the job.
  • ***This is your hat, isn’t it?
  • ***This plan requires secrecy.
  • ***This river is deepest here.
  • ***This road goes to the park.
  • ***This surprised many people.
  • ***This watch cost 70,000 yen.
  • ***This word comes from Greek.
  • *** You will get soaked if you go out in this rain.
  • *** This kind of humor is childish and boring.
  • *** This party is boring, let’s try to give it a touch of jazz.
  • *** This party is boring. Let’s rescue her!
  • *** The accountant checked this unnecessary expense on time.
  • *** Should I mark this letter to your accountant as “strictly confidential”?
  • *** This was, for all its manifestations, a millennial group.
  • *** This is the nature of politics and govemment.
  • *** This means that zygotes with two dominant genes can not live.
  • *** This article developed an approach with non-linear regression and polarography.
  • *** The only exception to this was the Calvinism brought to South Africa by Dutch settlers in the 17th and 18th centuries.
  • *** This system of duplexing cables has proved remarkably successful.
  • *** This paper analyzes the cultural theory defended by Matthew Arnold, who is the spokesman for the English middle class and an educator of classicism.
*** In this paper we will discuss two topics: the empirical distribution function of censored data and the linear regression with censored data.
  • *** This year, the 17-year-old girl ahead of the Taiwanese singer Chou Tzu-yu, which second place, and the Israeli model Yael Shelbia, in the third.
  • *** At the beginning of this 2019, Akihito wished peace both inside and outside his borders and said “be very happy” to celebrate the new year with his fellow citizens.
  • *** A new correlation coefficient indicating goodness of fit for the regression line will still be presented in this document.
  • *** However, he slightly modified this position in his recent writings, as we shall see shortly.
  • *** This is the third year that the botanical garden exhibits them.
  • *** I consider this an absolute necessity.
  • *** It was an absolute hell to try to finish this report on time.

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