Voodoo Island İngilizce Kitap Özeti (Voodoo Adası), Michael Duckworth


Michael Duckworth’ün Voodoo Island isimli kitabının ingilizce özeti, ingilizce karakterleri, summary. İngilizce kitap özetleri.

Voodoo Island İngilizce Kitap Özeti

Voodoo Island İngilizce Kitap Özeti

Voodoo Island; James Conway was going to Haiti to buy construction work and home.Got on a plane and began a journey.He looked out of the window of the plane.He saw a small wooden houses and coconut threes.A woman was sitting next to.Women met and chatted.Karen doctor.Karen writing a book on Voodoo.She believes in voodoo a lot of people Haiti.Then Karen to the back of the plane.

Karen opened and read any page in the book of James.Baron Samedi is the most dangerous and the most powerfull voodoo man.Baron Samedi both dead and alive.Most people are afraid of his name is spoken.Karen came back and sat down. A few minutes later they came to the airport.

9 months after the Hiti.Conway is going to work well and earning good money.A big office,there were many houses and hundreds of people.His friend had called Mr.Remy.”I got a little land,but now needed more land.”said Conway began to draw w map.Appropriate a onthis hill find.There is problem graveyard.Graveyard to search thoroughly.

Kee was very unhappy man.

Kee was very unhappy man.Kee’s village was a quiet place.He looking out in the garden.He heard the sound of a car coming down the road.The car stopped in front of the house and a woman got out.”Can I come in?” to asked woman.”Yes of course.” answered Kee.”My name is Karen Jackson.”she said.”I’m writing a book voodoo.You here talks about.”Into the house. Kee and Karen speeches about the voodoo and peop

They to go to went.They walked slowly through the graveyard .They arrived the garveyard.Kee said ”My grandfather is here in this graveyard.”They looked cold grey stone.Kee said”Tim Atty.We call Baron Samedi.”She felt efraid when she heard the terrible name.They stayed on the hill and talked for a long time.Karen to go to the hospital.He saw two man.”What are you doing here?”asked Kee.”We were building some shopsand a big hotel here.”they said.Kee was very surprised and angry.”If you want to,you can go and see.Mr.Conway.You can talk to him.”They said. Kee wrote the address.

He bought a ticket to Por au Prince.When he arrived.

He bought a ticket to Por au Prince.When he arrived.He found taxi and gave the driver the address.After a long time,they arrived at the office of Conway Construction.Kee walked to Conway’s door and went in.Mr.Conway”Can I help you?”said.Kee, Conway describes a situation indicates that the cemetery should not be on the construction of new buildings.I want to sit in a place with a lot of the rooms in Conway, people want to get under my command, I want to get a lot of money in my bank account and I do not want to work he says

.Could he mocks them with Kee as well.Then Kee Kee’s what they give an image to take into consideration, but it geçiştirerek Conway immediately get back to work the next day, and it starts to cut to the trees around the cemetery.Seeing this, Voodoo Magic Kee decides to wind and rain one night and calling out to Conway makes voodoo magic.

Conway, very tired and goes to bed that night.

Conway, very tired and goes to bed that night.Filled with horror at the inside of a night time for some reason, establishes and sleeps up to 7 in the morning.I sleep well, actually.A time clock rings and wakes up in Conway.Go to the office and the secretary drinking coffee, you’re not seeing the alarm clock to go into the room tone.A look at the bed.Living things and think it was a dream holds the path to the office.Secretary of the secretary tells her dream is there this time, and Conway.’ This is not a dream at times you can be sure, sir Secretary, ofisinizdesiniz.” He says.

Conway goes into the room and after a while people entering through the door knock” Hello Conway, you know me, I” Kee’s Grandfather says, and starts laughing.Karen Conway’s book is very surprised because this guy she met on the plane who was named Baron Samedi itself.Suddenly the phone rings.Conway finds himself still asleep in the bedroom.Gets out of bed and still very afraid of dreaming moments.Is this the dream I wonder if he puts his head.Goes to the bathroom to wash his face.

A skeleton head in the mirror look in the mirror

A skeleton head in the mirror look in the mirror and sees a snake nerve in the eye of the skeleton.This is a time frame in the mirror comes alive and starts to laugh slyly.Conway gave the reflection in the mirror.This is Kee’s great grandfather is Baron Samedi.Sounds an alarm clock at a time.That looks at a Conway still beared.And Conway starts to scream in vain.

A few weeks passed.Do not work on the construction of the cemetery has been canceled.Karen sees coming towards him, sitting in the garden Kee.Karen as a doctor in the hospital indicates Kee Kee choose what they want to ask you something to take to hospital.Shows a man in room 473.his man is none other than Conway.

Conway’s crazy.Karen Conway mad doctor did not yet understand why, I wonder consulted with him because he thought he could not be due to the spell of Voodoo tells Karen and asks if it helps. Kee also help in this regard could not be happier with himself and perhaps might be feeling this way, says Conway.” Look at it remains a place that has a lot of rooms, there are people under my command, there is a lot of money in my bank account and does not work well at all, maybe it is a way of life wishes”, says Kee.

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