P Harfiyle Başlayan İngilizce Meyve, Sebzeler İsimleri Tanıtımları Türkçeleri


Baş harfi P olan ingilizce sebze ve meyveler, P harfiyle başlayan ingilizce fruits and vegetables isimleri, tanıtımları, Türkçeleri.

P Harfiyle Başlayan İngilizce Meyveler ve Sebzeler

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P Harfiyle Başlayan İngilizce Meyveler ve Sebzeler



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Pomelo is the largest type of citrus fruit that belongs to the family Rutaceae (citrus family). It originates from Southeast Asia and Pacific islands. Pomelo grows in tropical and subtropical areas. This fruit is commercially cultivated in Asia, San Diego, California, Florida and Israel. Pomelo is part of human diet for centuries. Besides being tasty, pomelo acts beneficially on the human health and it can be used in treatment of various disorders.



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Papaya is a flowering plant that belongs to the family Caricaceae. This plant originates from Mexico and Central America. Papaya is cultivated in tropical regions throughout the world. It grows on sandy, well-drained soil in areas that provide enough direct sunlight and moisture. Papaya is an integral part of human diet for hundreds of years. Besides its high nutritional value, papaya acts beneficially on the human health. Unfortunately, papaya is prone to viral, bacterial and fungal diseases which decrease amount and quality of available fruit.



Kaynak: pixabay.com

Parsley is a type of herbaceous plant that belongs to the same family as celery, carrot and cumin (Apiaceae). Exact origin of parsley is unknown. Some researchers believe that parsley originates from Sardinia. Cultivation of parsley started 2000 years ago. This plant can be found around the world today. Parsley prefers areas that provide partial shade and well-drained soil, rich in minerals. Taste of parsley depends on the type of soil and climate conditions. Parsley is one the most popular spices in the world. Other than that, parsley is used in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and medical industry.


yabani havuç

Kaynak: pixabay.com

Parsnip is a type of root vegetables that belongs to the carrot family. It originates from Eurasia (probably Mediterranean region), but it can be found in cool, temperate areas around the world today. Parsnip grows on the sandy or loamy, well-drained soil, exposed to direct sunlight. Exposure of parsnip to the low temperatures during the winter ensures transformation of starch into sugar and results in production of vegetable of the best quality. People cultivate parsnip as a source of food for humans and animals.



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The fruit is a source of carbohydrates, carotene, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, fiber, and protein. The part of the fruit that is used (eaten) is the pulpy juicy seeds. Passion fruits can also be squeezed to make juice. Passion fruit is a nutritious tropical fruit that is gaining popularity, especially among health-conscious people. Despite its small size, it’s rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and plant compounds that could benefit your health.



Kaynak: pixabay.com

Peach is deciduous plant that belongs to the family Rosaceae. This plant is closely related to almonds, cherries and plums. Peach originate from China, but it can be found all around the world today. It has been part of human diet at least couple of thousand years. People cultivate peaches mainly because of their aromatic fruit. Some varieties are cultivated only for decorative purposes. Peach tree usually grows in temperate climate because it requires low temperature during the winter for successful development of flowers. This plant also requires fertilizers rich in nitrogen and constant water supply during the growth. Peaches are often targeted by insects or insect larvae which affect amount and quality of produced fruit.



Kaynak: pixabay.com

Pear is a type of deciduous tree that belongs to family of roses. This plant originates from Europe and Asia. Cultivation of pears started 1134 years BC in China. There are over 3000 varieties of pears that can be found around the world today. Pears prefer moderate climate, enough sun and well-drained soil. They are mostly cultivated because of their delicious fruit that has numerous beneficial effects on the human health. Besides in human diet, pear has application in industry of furniture, musical instruments and kitchen utensils. Some types of pears are cultivated in ornamental purposes.



Kaynak: pixabay.com

Pea is a plant that belongs to the group of legumes. Exact origin of pea is unknown (researchers assume that pea is native to Italy, China, Malta or Sri Lanka). Fossil evidences indicate that people consumed peas even during the Bronze Age. Pea is still one of the most important plants in human diet. There are hundreds varieties of pea that are mostly cultivated in cooler climate, on a well drained and fertile soil. Pea is susceptible to viral, bacterial and fungal infections, which may decrease the harvest of the plant significantly.


pikan cevizi

Kaynak: pixabay.com

The pecan (Carya illinoinensis) is a species of hickory native to northern Mexico and the southern United States in the region of the Mississippi River. The tree is cultivated for its seed in the southern United States, primarily in Georgia,] and in Mexico which produces nearly half of the world total. The seed is an edible nut used as a snack and in various recipes, such as praline candy and pecan pie.


acı biber

Kaynak: pixabay.com

Pepper is primarily used in cooking for the purpose of adding robust flavor to certain recipes. However, there is evidence to suggest that black, as well as cayenne pepper, may have significant health benefits. Pepper can be found at health food and vitamin stores in supplement form or can be taken in its natural state in order to receive its benefits.


cennet hurması

Kaynak: pixabay.com

Persimmon is deciduous tree that belongs to the ebony family. It originates from China, where 2.000 varieties of persimmon has been created so far. Persimmon was initially introduced to Korea, Japan, India and Pakistan and later, during the 19th century to Europe, USA and the rest of the world. It grows in areas that have mild climate both during the winter and summer. People cultivate persimmon as a source of food and in ornamental purposes. China is the greatest producer of persimmons in the world.


altın çilek

Kaynak: pixabay.com

Physalis are herbaceous plants growing to 0.4 to 3 m tall, similar to the common tomato, a plant of the same family, but usually with a stiffer, more upright stem. They can be either annual or perennial. Most require full sun and fairly warm to hot temperatures.



Kaynak: pixabay.com

Pineapple is a plant that belongs to the bromeliad family. Unlike other members of this group, pineapple is edible and tasteful fruit. Pineapples originate from South America. After introduction of pineapple into the Europe and Asia, people started to cultivate it on a massive scale. Pineapple can grow on different types of terrains, but it prefers slightly acidic soil. It does not tolerate low temperatures and requires a lot of sunlight during the day. Pineapples are used mainly in human diet. They are also used in pharmaceutical industry since they contain substances and vitamins that are beneficial for human health. Pineapple is not on the list of endangered species.



Kaynak: pixabay.com

Dragon fruit grows on climbing cacti with stems that reach up to 6 meters long. The fruits are oval to oblong in shape, weighing about 8-12 ounces and averaging 10-15 centimeters in length. They have a pink or magenta peel with green scale-like leaves, and white flesh that is dotted with tiny edible black seeds, similar to a kiwi. The juicy, spongy yet dense pulp offers a subtle sweet flavor with notes of berry, pear, kiwi, and watermelon, sometimes with just a hint of sourness.



Kaynak: pixabay.com

Plum is a deciduous tree that belongs to the family of roses (Rosacea). There are more than 200 varieties of plums that are derived from two basic types: European and Japanese plum. Exact origin of European plum is unknown, but researchers believe that this type of fruit has been cultivated even in the ancient times. Despite its name, Japanese plum originates from China. Cultivation in Japan started 300 to 400 years ago. Plum is mostly cultivated in temperate and warm areas around the world. This plant requires direct sunlight and moist, well drained, fertile soil. People cultivate plums mostly because of their fruit. Some varieties of plums are cultivated for ornamental purposes because of their beautiful flowers.


nar ağacı

Kaynak: pixabay.com

Pomegranate fruit has gained a great deal of popularity over the years. Originally from the Middle East and Asia, the pomegranate fruit is also known by the name Granada or the Chinese apple. The best place for pomegranate fruit to grow is in hot climate areas. The great thing about pomegranate fruit is that the trees on which it grows can live for many years. Aside from being a great décor for a backyard… it produces the delicious pomegranate fruit. Pomegranate fruit have a round, spherical shape. Inside, you’ll find dozens of small ruby-colored seeds. The pomegranate fruit has a citrus flavor and is very juicy. There are many drinks and even foods that are made with the pomegranate fruit.



Kaynak: pixabay.com

Potato is herbaceous plant of the nightshade family. There are 200 species of wild potato and over 4000 varieties that were produced via selective breeding. Potato originates from South America. It has been introduced to Europe in 16th century, when people started to cultivate it massively. Cultivation of potatoes is easier, faster and requires less fertilizers compared to the cultivation of other crops. People throughout the world cultivate and consume hundreds of different types of potatoes. Consumption of potato is almost equal to the consumption of maize, corn and wheat.



Kaynak: pixabay.com

Pumpkin is herbaceous plant that belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. This plant originates from Central America. Cultivation of pumpkin started 7000 to 5500 years BC in Mexico. Today, pumpkin is cultivated on every continent except on the Antarctica. Pumpkin has high nutritional value and it represents important part of human diet. It is also used as food for animals. Pumpkins are sometimes cultivated in decorative purposes. Size, shape and color of the pumpkin depend on the variety. Name “pumpkin” originates from the Greek word “pepon”, which means “large melon”.



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Clustered and succulent, Purslane is a clover-like herb that bears small, wedge-shaped, oblong and dark, green leaves on its reddish-tinted, smooth and juicy stems. Flavorful and crunchy, the entire plant can be used, the stems being the most succulent. Raw stems offer a mild slightly sour, tangy flavor.

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